Back Pain - Genuine Care Physical Therapy

It is usual to think that if you have back ache, stiffness, or pain, the issue will disappear in time. However, accepting back pain and making excuses like ‘I slept wrong’ or ‘sat for too long’ only ends up making the pain worse. DON’T IGNORE BACK PAIN.

According to research, lower back pain is the second most common reason people see their doctors. It is second only to the common cold.  However, back pain, if left untreated, can be very costly and may even cause disability. 

There is no straightforward reason for why your back pain started, but the most important thing to understand is that you should not let it get worse.

If you suffer from back pain, the good news is you are not alone. Back pain is incredibly prevalent in today’s society, and we here at Genuine Care Physical Therapy have helped thousands of people recover from its debilitating effects. In fact, lower back pain and sciatica are THE most common problems that we see in our clinic. We understand the needs of those living with back pain, and that is why we can identify the main questions these patients ask: 

Why has this pain happened to me? What have I done?


Why, after over six months, do I still have back pain?

Most people cannot identify why they have back pain, and even more of those people cannot understand why, after over six months, they are still dealing with daily discomfort. 

Does this sound like something you can relate to? If so, perhaps you have experienced some of these scenarios:

In our many years of practice, we have often seen how patients suffering from back pain have been prescribed painkillers by their doctors. Painkillers are not the answer, and often these tablets have the opposite effect – once their effects wear off, the patient is in even more pain than when they first started taking them. 

Does this sound like what happened to you?

Another common problem is that patients often cannot diagnose themselves, and in the process they turn to many different sources for information. But between Google, your friend, your mother, and your local GP, it’s difficult to find the right answers. Is it just back pain or is it sciatica? What is the root cause of problem? Too many different diagnoses, or too many people giving you different advice, often leads to procrastination by the patient. In the worst case scenario, the patient just accepts the back pain, suffering daily, and losing the joy from their life in the process.  

Does This Describe How You Feel?

You are not alone. If you have back pain, here are seven additional reasons you may be suffering from it longer than you should be:

  • 1. You’ve been hoping your pain will disappear one day, but it hasn’t.
  • 2. You did what the doctors told you to do - take painkillers and wait and see – but the pills did nothing and the pain simply returned even worse once they wore off. 
  • 3. Friends and family told you to expect pain in your back as you got older, and not only that, but to just accept it. This has led you to believe it’s common, or genetic, and therefore, has led to procrastination and increased pain. 
  • 4. You already tried other healthcare providers or physical therapists, but they didn’t help you much. That may have lead you to believe that an invasive procedure, such as getting shots or surgery, is the only solution to your problem.
  • 5. You tried figuring things out on your own. You even tried online exercises and watched countless videos, but nothing has worked. And now your pain is ten times worse.
  • 6. You decided to rest your back for a while, thinking that this might be helpful. But even though you weren’t working, and you were resting your back in this way, the pain still irritated – and  continues to irritate – you daily.
  • 7. You thought getting a few ’massages’ would solve the problem, but all these massages did was make you feel relaxed: they were only a temporary solution to a much more complex problem.

If any of these sound like your story, we can help you. Our experience with countless clients who share your problem allow us to give you the best advice and treatment possible.  We’d love to invite you to book a free call with one of our board certified specialists at Genuine Care Physical Therapy. The good news is, you now know what is NOT working, and it is time to do the things that DO work. 

For advice that WORKS, click the link below and have a chat with one of our dedicated physical therapists. This call is totally complimentary and requires no further obligation. We care and want what’s best for you. Our job is to help you make the right decision FOR YOU and YOUR FUTURE. 

You’ve identified that your problem is not just simple, and you now know the most common mistakes associated with your condition. What’s next?

What Needs To Be Done to Stop Back Pain?

Here are four things you need to do:

  • 1. First, get professional, quality help. People tend to procrastinate for too long, and as they wish for the pain to disappear, they become increasingly immobile. How many more days do you want to lose to back pain?
  • 2. Do exercises that WORK. One of the most effective ways to get rid of pain and to prevent the pain from re-surfacing is to do customized progressive exercises. These exercises are prescribed by one of our professional physical therapists and will definitely help reduce pain, give you more mobility, and prevent the problem from recurring.  
  • 3. Don’t sit for a long time. Be conscious of when your back pain increases; often this is the case after sitting and resting for extended periods of time. After sitting for too long one struggles to regain flexibility and thus the back becomes painful.  The human body is not designed to sit for extended periods of time as sitting weakens back muscles. In the modern world, where we drive, type, and work at desks, it is very important to be aware of how much time we are sitting for. Personalized exercises, which include stretching and strengthening, help alleviate the effects of sitting and would be incredibly beneficial for your back. Alongside hands-on therapy that makes you move without increasing pain, we will help you to become more ACTIVE and MOBILE – for life.
  • 4. Get real and hire one of our specialized physical therapists. At Genuine Care Physical Therapy, back problems are the most common problems we see. Contact us immediately if you experience any one of the following:
  • Your back is stopping you from having an active lifestyle.
  • Your sleep is being affected by tightness, or continued sharp pain, in the back.
  • You cannot perform your job duties because of nagging back pain.
  • Valuable time with friends or family is being lost because of pain in your back.

Physical Therapy will help you to get back the life you want and deserve, and here at Genuine Care Physical Therapy we aim to give you that life as soon as possible. 

If you’d like to learn more about how our physical therapy team at Genuine Care Physical Therapy can help you live a pain free life we invite you to book a completely free, non-obligatory, and risk free appointment TODAY!

Note: This free discovery session is for people who are quite nervous of, and skeptical about, physical therapy. If you are unsure about how physical therapy works, or whether or not it’s right for you, then NO PROBLEM and we invite you to try our free discovery session. Within that first meeting, we will already work with you to diagnose your condition and propose a possible solution – all free of charge.

How Can a Physical Therapist at Genuine Care Help You Get Rid of Your Back Pain?

  • We can help relieve and completely erase pain and stiffness in your back, often within a couple of sessions.
  • We can find the root cause of the problem quickly, and we are frequently able to diagnose the patient within the first free session.
  • We will give you back your sleep – no more sleepless nights tormented by incessant back pain. Your days will once again be full of energy. 
  • Unlike temporary solutions, we promise a permanent solution to your back pain by providing information on how to take care of your back. Our customized progressive exercises, as well as our dedicated team, ensure that your pain will not return. We teach self-management skills which enable you to maintain a pain free lifestyle forever. 
  • We prevent dangerous back surgery and injections. According to Dr. Deyo, a leading researcher in the field of spine management, America now faces a “20th century medical disaster”. With more opioids being prescribed than ever before, back surgeries increasing daily, widespread steroid misuse, and a troubling escalation in the misdiagnoses of spinal injuries, it is no wonder that more and more patients find themselves paralyzed or worse. At Genuine Care Physical Therapists it is our desire to give you the option of an informed decision concerning back pain before it’s too late. Avoid addiction, increased pain, harmful side effects, or worse.  Don’t become a statistic - call us today.  
  • We can help you to get back to the life you deserve. We know how important family and friends are, and we don’t want you to waste another day on debilitating back pain.

Ultimately, the physical therapy team at Genuine Care Physical Therapy can help you to live a life free from daily, frustrating, back pain. 

Don’t delay – a pain free life is yours, just click on the link below for costs and availability.

Please enjoy watching these videos of other people who came to see the Physical Therapy Team at Genuine Care - and left much healthier and happier within just a couple of weeks:

What Other People Are Saying About Genuine Care Physical Therapy



In her 50’s from Poway with hip and knee pain

I was having so much pain in my hips that I could barely walk and I really like to hike and do active things and I couldn't do any of that. I had been to a chiropractor and I did some acupuncture but things worked for a little while but didn't really solve the problem...


Eddie Doucette

Basketball Hall of Fame Sportscaster

Years of terrible problems with leg and back pain. I was just about at wits end. I tried acupuncture, epidurals, surgery, numerous injections, nothing seemed to work. I gave it one more shot - Genuine Care, and I have been delighted at the experience and also the results...



70’s from Carmel Valley, loves golf

Golf means a lot when you're in retirement or semi-retirement, it's one of the few sports you can really play when you're a senior. I've had ongoing back problems for years and twice had to be carted off the course in the last five or six years because back spasms were so bad.

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